Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Publishing Articles Via Cell Phones

ZVUE! ZINE articles will be updated quickly by regional field bloggers using camera-based cell phones to supply the ZVUE! ZINE with fresh, up-to-date information. Currently, a number of companies offer innovative services for those also wanting to update their blog anytime, anywhere.
Audblog, a San Francisco based start-up, offers a web-based tool that allows Bloggers to post up to four minute long MP3 audio clips to their blogs from any phone, anytime, anywhere.
Princeton, N.J.-based Mlogs just launched a weblog for phone camera users to post photos with audio annotations and videos from their cell phones anywhere, anytime directly to their Blogger accounts.
(NOTE: Video Requires a new QuickTime Plug-in. But, it downloads in like 10 seconds and you won't have to reboot your PC.)
Both of these services will help ZVUE! ZINE regional bloggers keep the ZVUE! ZINE fresh and up to date. In addition, these multimedia articles can be downloaded and saved to an SD card in a few minutes for play on the ZVUE!. ZVUE! owners can enjoy e-zine multimedia field reports from around the world on the go and away from a tethered screen or keyboard.
audio post powered by audblog